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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: Slightly OT: Capturing a failed status of an ftp process
Would it be possible for you to send me a copy of how you are using the status command? I have tried, but I am obviously doing it wrong, as I am not getting what I expect.
Shari Dishop wrote:
> Terry,
> I worked on what I think is a similar process. We are running SAP and need to
> be able to ftp files on and off of our unix SAP servers. Someone in the past
> wrote an SAP ABAP program that does all of the set up then calls a unix shell
> script to perform the ftp. If the ftp command truely failed to connect we had
> no problem getting back a failed error message to the SAP program. But where we
> ran into some problems was when the transfer command would start but get
> interrupted for some unknown reason and never fully complete the transfer. This
> was noticed by accident one day when someone was checking a report run off of
> one of the data transfers and there were only a few hundred records in the table
> to be processed instead of a few hundred thousand.
> I was then asked to come up with a solution that would look for an unexpected
> termination of the ftp connection. After lots of searching and getting one of
> our local unix gurus involved (I have worked directly on a unix platform), we
> implemented the following. It is not the best but it does seem to be working.
> We added a step to the ftp script. This step is a status command that is
> executed directly after the get or put command. This returns information about
> the ftp connection itself. It also returns a message if it is no longer
> connected. This output was passed back to the SAP program and parsed. If I had
> a message indicating that the remote host was still connected, I assumed that
> the get or put executed completely. If on the other hand I received the message
> indicating that the remote system was no longer connected I generated an error
> message from the program so that the user could check the data.
> Shari Dishop
> SAP ABAP - Project Systems Team
> Logicon - A Northrop Grumman Company
> Baltimore, MD
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