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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: monitoring listener.log
Hi again,
Note that listener is only used while creating shadow processes on server
side. Once shadow processes are created by
listener, listener is never used. in other words, listener process
is not a bridge between user process and server process during
data transmissions. So, scanning listener.log only is not a good way
to catch sql*net errors. to catch sql*net errors after
connections are established, set sql*net server trace. then scan them.
But, it's not be efficient. there will be a lot of trace files.
"Danisment Gazi Unal (Unal Bilisim)" wrote:
Typical errors in sql*net traces are like this:
nserror: nsres: id=0, op=67, ns=12571, ns2=12560;
nt[0]=533, nt[1]=57, nt[2]=0
You get protocol error 57. If you are using TCP/IP, check winsock errors,
if I'm not wrong it should be 20057 or 10057.
This error causes sql*net 533 error. 533,12560 and 12571 are result.
Saurabh Sharma wrote:
can u elaborate how do u scan each log file, and convert it in email
do u do this.. saurabh
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----- Original Message -----
style="BACKGROUND: #e4e4e4; FONT: 10pt arial; font-color: black">From:NGUYEN
Philippe (Cetelem)
To: Multiple
recipients of list ORACLE-L
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 9:10
Subject: monitoring listener.log
Hi list,
We have a script wich monitor the alert.log
for each database. This script scan the alert.log file and send an email
if an ORA-xxx error occured
Now, we want to write a script monitoring
the listener.log file : wich kind of message or variable indicate a network
problem (ORA-xxx, ...) ?
...then we 'll have the same question
for the log file made by OEM !
Received on Sat Apr 28 2001 - 13:24:31 CDT
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