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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: CURSOR_SHARING=FORCE
class=160342320-26042001>We are also experimenting with CURSOR_SHARING to reduce
excessive parsing in the application, and made few observations. It appears that
Oracle doesn't replace literals with system generated bind variables if SQL
statement has both literals and bind variables, as shown
<FONT face=Tahoma
size=2>-----Original Message-----From: Babette Turner-Underwood
[]Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 5:38
PMTo: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-LSubject:
We have noticed an interesting side "effect" of using
CURSOR_SHARING=force.When using SQL (simple INSERT, UPDATE, SELECT...),
and you check v$SQLAREAyou see that yes, Oracle indeed replaced hard-coded
values with bindvariablesTRY: SELECT DEPTNO, LOC from DEPT where
LOC='Boston';select sql_text from v$sqlarea where sql_text like 'SELECT
DEPTNO';BUT this does not work for parameters to procedures or
functions.TRY:create procedure upd_dept ( in_deptno number, in_loc
varchar2) begin update dept set loc =
in_loc;end;exec upd_dept ( 20, 'BOSTON');select sql_text from
v$sqlarea where sql_text like '%upd_dept%';Thus we need to change
calling our table APIs from :upd_dept( 20, 'BOSTON');todefine
my_deptno := 20;define my_location := 'BOSTON';upd_dept( :my_deptno,
:my_location);To use bind variables. Thus making extensive use of
table APIs will havemultiple copiesof SQL in shared pool UNLESS done
this way and CURSOR_SHARING has no effect.According to Oracle, it is how
it is supposed to work, but we were notexpecting the
behaviour.Just another one of those pleasant surprises from Oracle
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