Keep it up, EP. I
read every word.
face="Courier New">
Even understand
most of them! <G>
style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
<FONT face="Times New Roman"
size=2>-----Original Message-----From: Adams, Matthew (GEA, 088130)
[mailto:MATT.ADAMS_at_APPL.GE.COM]Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 5:20
PMTo: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-LSubject: RE:
why is there dinosaur statues and evolution of human
I've said it before and I'll say it again.
Eric, you have entirely too much free time on your
hands. ;)
- Matt Adams - GE Appliances - Doing linear scans over an
associative array is like trying to club
someone to death with a loaded Uzi. <FONT
- Larry Wall (creator of Perl)
> -----Original Message----- >
From: Eric D. Pierce [<A
href="">] <FONT
size=2>> Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 5:00 PM <FONT
size=2>> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <FONT
size=2>> Subject: why is there dinosaur statues and evolution of
human > conciousness / RE: OT : Sinclair was RE:
Metalink Again > >
> > On 5 Apr 2001, at
11:01, David Messer wrote: > <FONT
size=2>> Date sent:
Thu, 05 Apr 2001 11:01:26 -0800
Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> <> <FONT
size=2>> > > But, Eric, I'm not out to prove
anything. > >
Never said you were. > >
By "proof" I meant when two competing pieces of "factual" information
> (or references to such) are posted to a public
list, then questions > can, and perhaps ought to,
be raised as to the veracity/legitimacy of > the
sources of the information, and the nature of the "truth claims"
> represented by the different perspectives in the
argument. > >
> >I'm only trying to show Gates in
> > the worst light possible. My desire to do so
derives from > working day in <FONT
size=2>> > and day out with Microsoft products. <FONT
size=2>> > > I'm not
exactly a fan of Gates/MS, and don't consider myself in <FONT
size=2>> opposition to your main point, but I would suggest that if one has
to > lie, deceive, or misrepresent in order to make
the point, then one is > potentially exposing
oneself to valid criticisms about a lack of >
ethical consistency, and beyond that, the general efficacy of such
> tactics. >
> For background on tendencies toward dysfunctional
(self-defeating) > nature of "social change"
paradigms (and related tendencies toward >
ideological/political oppositionality), I would suggest reading Rabbi
> Michael Lerner's book "Surplus Powerlessness"
(related commentary at > <A target=_blank
href=""> <FONT
size=2>> > As I've said before, I think the
sociological backdrop to the debate > about MS has
to do with the conflicts in the value systems and "world <FONT
size=2>> views" of: > <FONT
size=2>> > 1) the (old time) industrial
strength technical/engineering "purists" >
> and > <FONT
size=2>> 2) the "populists", unfortunately including Gates, that
weren't > afraid to do the
messy job involved in taking the technology to <FONT
size=2>> the masses (cheaply). <FONT
size=2>> > > These
"opposites" are obviously an oversimplified representation of <FONT
size=2>> the extreme ends of a spectrum containing more complex elements,
and > also mirror pre-existing elements in broader
scientific, technical > and business
"subcultures". > > I
think that part of the reason that the tech elites and "purists"
> may hate Gates so much is because they realized,
to late, that they > lost a great opportunity make
a lot of money in the mass market > because of the
limitations that their "purist" engineering/tech >
aesthetic placed on their entreprenurial vision & reach. In the era
> when "big iron" and extremely expensive software
reigned supreme, the > "purist" aesthetic proved to
be very successful, but it wasn't > universally
competitive once the feasibility of a "mass market" <FONT
size=2>> approach emerged. > <FONT
size=2>> Ironically, the value systems of tech purists tend to align with
> libertarianism (which I personally think is
virtuous, at least when > seen from the perspective
of a >
progressive/integrative/univeralist/constructivist evolutionary model
> of human conciousness based on the emergence of
> transformational/transcendent archetypes, such as
Ken Wilber's), > whereas PC technology essentially
originally came from the great > state sponsored
"establishmentarian" science and technology >
development efforts in the space program and defense establishment.
> > <FONT
size=2>> On the other hand, as various people have pointed out, I could be
> completely full of cr*p. :) <FONT
size=2>> > >
(apologies in advance to the old timers for duplication of info)
> > regards, <FONT
size=2>> ep > >
> -- > Please see the
official ORACLE-L FAQ: <A target=_blank
href=""> <FONT
size=2>> -- > Author: Eric D. Pierce
size=2>> > Fat City Network
Services -- (858) 538-5051 FAX: (858) 538-5051
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Received on Thu Apr 05 2001 - 16:11:54 CDT