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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Metalink Response ....FYI
How about somebody in ORACLE takes the Million Dollar offer?
Except, they have to run it with the software they use to run
Ha ha ha...what a joke Oracle is. sheesh.......
||-----Original Message-----
||From: Steve Adams []
||Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 11:26 AM
||To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
||Subject: RE: Metalink Response ....FYI
||Hi All,
||I'd say that there must be something badly wrong with the
||application if it
||cannot cope with 1,500 concurrent users. I know of sites
||supporting more than 20
||times that number of active users on a single server with
||consistent sub-second
||response times.
||@ Regards,
||@ Steve Adams
||-----Original Message-----
||Sent: Wednesday, 4 April 2001 0:35
||To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
||Hi Folks ,
||I know lot of Metastink info floating I
||thought I would post this for fun/info .
||I got this response from Metastink ..
||"Thank you for your comments on Metalink, the more
||feedback we get the better we
||here at Oracle Corporation will be able to service
||your needs. We have seen
||tremendous increase in customer usage of Metalink over
||the past 6 months.
||There are now about 240,000 registered users and at
||times we have over 1,500 active users.
||We know that the service does not meet our or
||customers expectations. With this in mind we
||have added capacity to our database servers and have
||also increased the number of middle
||tier application servers. Our experience is that the
||demand for online services has become
||so strong that as soon as we bring in more capacity,
||it is quickly consumed. We have also
||experience intermittent network and architecture
||problems that have caused several failovers
||from one server to the other resulting in slower
||performance than we expect. When these events
||occur, we strive to understand root cause and take
||corrective and preventive action.
||Sometime before summer, we exp!!ect to migrate the
||online services to Oracle's Customer
||Relationship Management (CRM) suite enabling us to
||deliver more to our customers.This is
||a global issue for us and it has great attention
||within Oracle management. We recognize
||how valuable our customers are to us and understand
||the immense value that Metalink can
||bring to them. We are working to meet your needs as
||fast as we can. Thank you for your
||patience as we continue to work to bring you the best
||in online support services."
||Interesting.....won't you say..: )
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||Author: Steve Adams
|| INET:
||Fat City Network Services -- (858) 538-5051 FAX: (858) 538-5051
||San Diego, California -- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists
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Received on Tue Apr 03 2001 - 11:32:11 CDT
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