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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: How to get rid off file permanently?
delicious. :)
On 13 Apr 2001, at 13:40, Gogala, Mladen scribbled with alacrity and cogency:
> ... As a DBA and a gentleman I can not but take
> pride
> in helping people to stop making mistakes.
... John Leo on CSPAN. As you may recall, he is the columnist from "U.S. News and World Report" who gave CSUS President Gerth the 1999 "Sheldon Award" for political correctness.
( ).
The coveted annual prize that goes to a wimpy college president
Exhausted staffers for this column have finished wading through dozens of nominees for the third annual Sheldon Award. Named for Sheldon Hackney, who scaled the heights of Sheldonism as president of the University of Pennsylvania, this coveted prize is given each year to a craven college president who looks the other way while campus newspapers are stolen. ...
... on CSPAN, John Leo (warm, mild, grandfatherly, caring, thoughtful, principled [&witty]) was talking about the topics in his new book "Incorrect Thoughts" at an event organized by the Independent Women's Forum.
Since IWF's (very interesting) web site hasn't been updated recently, I found some other links about Leo's book that you might also find interesting.
John Leo's columns: -
(and: )
excerpt from the above link:
... That notion that free speech is a tool of the oppressor is now mainstream in the campus culture. This is why campus newspapers with
the wrong news keep getting stolen, posters for the wrong events keep
getting torn down, and speakers with the wrong views keep getting disinvited or silenced. Recent nonspeakers at Berkeley, home of the free-speech movement, include conservative organizer Daniel Flynn (shouted down) and former Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu (threats of violence, advised to withdraw by police). Berkeley gets another chance to oppose free speech this week. David Horowitz is scheduled to speak there on March 15
(end excerpt)
excerpt from the above link:
... Post-1960s liberalism has lost its communal sensibility and
now talks almost exclusively of autonomy and rights, not
obligation or moral accountability. As Stein [_How I Accidentally
Joined the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy: (And Found Inner Peace)_]
points out, it has
aggressively labored to devalue society by trying to banish moral
and religious discourse from the public arena. Values are viewed
as matters of personal taste. Even the famous liberal belief in
openness, tolerance, and free speech now looks like a discarded
tenet. Witness all the disinvited speakers, stolen newspapers, and
current not-very-liberal efforts to silence Laura Schlessinger and
derecognize campus Christian groups. What passes for liberalism
Stein says, is often an attempt to impose rectitude, "usually with the
active cooperation of the news media, government agencies, and Hollywood, all of which somehow get to call their own agenda 'inclusive' instead of 'narrow.' "
(end excerpt)
more at:
... According to Illich, "obligatory instruction assumes the belief that man can do what God cannot, namely, manipulate others for their own salvation" (1970, p.50). By deschooling society, schools would continue to exist but their workings would be very different from those operating at present. Deschooling could only occur given alternative social arrangements and legal protections as well as a reconceptualization of what constitutes learning in the heart of every deschooled person.
According to Illich, schools are the "reproductive organ of a consumer society" (1970). Schools produce myths upon which an economic society depends. Schooling is a ritual performed by participants who are made blind to the discrepancy between the purpose for and the consequences of the ritual. Despite the advertised purpose of promoting social equality and democratic participation, schooling is "the ritual of a society committed to progress and development" (Cayley, 1992, p. 67). In his thesis titled, Deschooling Society, Ivan Illich promulgates four myths created by the school ritual; 1) the myth of unending consumption, 2)
the myth of measurement of values, 3) the myth of packaging values, and
4) the myth of self-perpetuating progress. ...
...As the creator, propagator, and protector of these four educational myths, schools retain their sacred positions as the purveyor of "secular salvation" (Gabbard, 1993).
-- Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: -- Author: Eric D. Pierce INET: Fat City Network Services -- (858) 538-5051 FAX: (858) 538-5051 San Diego, California -- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists -------------------------------------------------------------------- To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message to: (note EXACT spelling of 'ListGuru') and in the message BODY, include a line containing: UNSUB ORACLE-L (or the name of mailing list you want to be removed from). You may also send the HELP command for other information (like subscribing).Received on Fri Apr 13 2001 - 16:11:00 CDT
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