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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: How to get rid off file permanently?
Are you feeling alright? This is possibly the shortest, most succinct answer I have ever seen you post! :)
>From: "Eric D. Pierce" Reply-To: To: Multiple
>recipients of list ORACLE-L Subject: RE: How to get rid off file
>permanently? Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 14:00:33 -0800
>delicious. :)
>On 13 Apr 2001, at 13:40, Gogala, Mladen scribbled with alacrity and
> > ... As a DBA and a gentleman I can not but take > pride > in helping
>people to stop making mistakes.
>-------- next:
>... John Leo on CSPAN. As you may recall, he is the columnist from "U.S.
>News and World Report" who gave CSUS President Gerth the 1999 "Sheldon
>Award" for political correctness.
>( ).
>---excerpt--- ... The coveted annual prize that goes to a wimpy college
>Exhausted staffers for this column have finished wading through dozens of
>nominees for the third annual Sheldon Award. Named for Sheldon Hackney, who
>scaled the heights of Sheldonism as president of the University of
>Pennsylvania, this coveted prize is given each year to a craven college
>president who looks the other way while campus newspapers are stolen. ...
>... on CSPAN, John Leo (warm, mild, grandfatherly, caring, thoughtful,
>principled [&witty]) was talking about the topics in his new book
>"Incorrect Thoughts" at an event organized by the Independent Women's
>Since IWF's (very interesting) web site hasn't been updated recently, I
>found some other links about Leo's book that you might also find
> -
>John Leo's columns:
> -
>(and: )
>excerpt from the above link:
>... That notion that free speech is a tool of the oppressor is now
>mainstream in the campus culture. This is why campus newspapers with the
>wrong news keep getting stolen, posters for the wrong events keep getting
>torn down, and speakers with the wrong views keep getting disinvited or
>silenced. Recent nonspeakers at Berkeley, home of the free-speech movement,
>include conservative organizer Daniel Flynn (shouted down) and former
>Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu (threats of violence, advised to
>withdraw by police). Berkeley gets another chance to oppose free speech
>this week. David Horowitz is scheduled to speak there on March 15
>(end excerpt)
>excerpt from the above link:
>... Post-1960s liberalism has lost its communal sensibility and now talks
>almost exclusively of autonomy and rights, not obligation or moral
>accountability. As Stein [_How I Accidentally Joined the Vast Right-Wing
>Conspiracy: (And Found Inner Peace)_] points out, it has aggressively
>labored to devalue society by trying to banish moral and religious
>discourse from the public arena. Values are viewed as matters of personal
>taste. Even the famous liberal belief in openness, tolerance, and free
>speech now looks like a discarded tenet. Witness all the disinvited
>speakers, stolen newspapers, and current not-very-liberal efforts to
>silence Laura Schlessinger and derecognize campus Christian groups. What
>passes for liberalism now, Stein says, is often an attempt to impose
>rectitude, "usually with the active cooperation of the news media,
>government agencies, and Hollywood, all of which somehow get to call their
>own agenda 'inclusive' instead of 'narrow.' "
>(end excerpt)
>more at:
>... According to Illich, "obligatory instruction assumes the belief that
>man can do what God cannot, namely, manipulate others for their own
>salvation" (1970, p.50). By deschooling society, schools would continue to
>exist but their workings would be very different from those operating at
>present. Deschooling could only occur given alternative social arrangements
>and legal protections as well as a reconceptualization of what constitutes
>learning in the heart of every deschooled person.
>According to Illich, schools are the "reproductive organ of a consumer
>society" (1970). Schools produce myths upon which an economic society
>depends. Schooling is a ritual performed by participants who are made blind
>to the discrepancy between the purpose for and the consequences of the
>ritual. Despite the advertised purpose of promoting social equality and
>democratic participation, schooling is "the ritual of a society committed
>to progress and development" (Cayley, 1992, p. 67). In his thesis titled,
>Deschooling Society, Ivan Illich promulgates four myths created by the
>school ritual; 1) the myth of unending consumption, 2) the myth of
>measurement of values, 3) the myth of packaging values, and 4) the myth of
>self-perpetuating progress. ...
>...As the creator, propagator, and protector of these four educational
>myths, schools retain their sacred positions as the purveyor of "secular
>salvation" (Gabbard, 1993).
>Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: --
>Author: Eric D. Pierce INET:
>Fat City Network Services -- (858) 538-5051 FAX: (858) 538-5051 San Diego,
>California -- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists
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-- Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: -- Author: Rachel Carmichael INET: Fat City Network Services -- (858) 538-5051 FAX: (858) 538-5051 San Diego, California -- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists -------------------------------------------------------------------- To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message to: (note EXACT spelling of 'ListGuru') and in the message BODY, include a line containing: UNSUB ORACLE-L (or the name of mailing list you want to be removed from). You may also send the HELP command for other information (like subscribing).Received on Fri Apr 13 2001 - 20:20:29 CDT
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