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RE: Recovery from noarchive db corrected

From: Arn Klammer <>
Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2001 22:11:49 -0700
Message-ID: <>

The actual archiving of log files itself should not impact the performance of the insert jobs, unless the archiving process is slow enough to cause the database to pause while a log is archived so it can be reused.  The only other reason why the developers wouldn't want it is if the space required to store the archived logs impinges on their development space; in that case, you'd have a case for getting more storage.  Either way, the inability to recover a database due to the absence of logs is far worse!
>>> 6/4/2001 14:45:28 >>>This message has been scanned by

developer application running huge batch inserting data into database,that is what they told me, if you are me what you will do?-----Original Message-----TestaSent: Friday, 6 April 2001 11:55 AMTo: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-Lassuming you're the dba, since when does the developer dictaterecoverability to a DBA about a database.sounds like a role problem there.joeSinardy Xing wrote:>> Our Developer prefer the archive off, I can't change that anymore :(>> -----Original Message-----> Sent: Thursday, 5 April 2001 8:54 PM> To: LazyDBA mailing list>> Turn archiving on.>> > -----Original Message-----> > From: Sinardy Xing [<A
> Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 4:57 AM> > To: LazyDBA mailing
list> > Subject: Recovery from noarchive db corrected> >> >> > Hi,> >> > My database is
noarchive mode, what should I do to prevent> > from lossing any> > transactions ?> > Like for example incresed the REDO buffer to ... (daily buffer)?> > Will this decrese the performance ?> > any technique to share ?> >> >
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