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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Perl DBA Tools
Im my script for managing the
listener.log, I copy the listener to an archive area and then cat /dev/null to
to current one. Will this have the same effect as moving as in your example ? Do
I need also to force the listener to point to a different log file
Maybe I need to test some more
Lee Robertson
<FONT face=Tahoma
size=2>-----Original Message-----From: John Carlson
[]Sent: 24 April 2001 19:47To:
Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-LSubject: Re: Perl DBA
How about wrapping this is a script of your
ARCHIVE_LISTENER_FILENAME=listener`date +%Y%m%d%H%M`.log
lsnrctl set log_file listener2.logmv listener.log
$ARCHIVE_LISTENER_FILENAMEmv listener2.log listener.loglsnrctl set
log_file listener.loggzip $ARCHIVE_LISTENER_FILENAME
This way, you don't have to stop the listener and you don't loose
anything. Remember, in Unix, when you rename a file, any program that
has it open still points to it.
>>> 04/24/01 10:20AM >>>On
Tuesday 24 April 2001 06:15, Rachel Carmichael wrote:> truncating
listener logs -- or even starting a secondary listener, stopping> the
one with the log that is too large and removing the log, then>
restarting the original listener....>Good idea. Thanks
RachelJared-- Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: <A
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