Hi all,
We 3 Oracle server as follows.
A. Oracle8 Enterprise Edition 8.0.5
B. Oracle8i Enterprise Edition 8.1.5
C. Oracle8i Enterprise Edition 8.1.6 was
Installed Recently.
All are in Digital Unix
The problem is
From a Unix user if my ORACLE_HOME is
pointing to database A(8.0.5) or B(8.1.5),
we can connect <FONT face=Verdana
size=2>from Sqlplus to Oracle Server A and B not <FONT
face=Verdana size=2>to C (8.1.6.)
But If ORACLE_HOME is pointing to C(8.1.6), Sql
Plus can connect to all
Is there a problem with 8.1.6 ? or had we
Installed 8.1.6 wrongly ?
Any suggestion how to rectify it assuming my
points to 8.1.5 or 8.0.5.
Thanks in advance
Naba J Neog
Received on Sat Apr 28 2001 - 00:03:50 CDT