The buffer pools (keep, recycle and default) are for
data blocks (tables, indexes, rollback) not for the
sql code. Pinned packages, procedures, functions are
kept in the shared pool.
Pinning a package will prevent it to be aged out of
the shared pool.
- Mark Leith <> a écrit : > The
only thing I could think of would be if the KEEP
> buffer pool was not
> sized correctly. If the pool were too small to hold
> all pinned objects then
> I should think the LRU algorithim would come in to
> play.
> What you have to look at is the size of all objects
> pinned against the size
> of the KEEP buffer pool, by analyzing all pinned
> objects and adding together
> their size.
> Mark
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 01:41
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> Listers,
> I was involved in a meeting today, strictly as a
> listener (no pun intended).
> A consultant made the statement that pinned packages
> are subject to being
> aged out of the shared pool, using an LRU type of
> mechanism. My
> understanding is that if you pin a package, it stays
> pinned (except maybe if
> it gets invalidated? - not sure on that).
> From the Oracle documentation on
> This procedure keeps an object in the shared pool.
> Once an object has been
> kept in the shared pool, it is not subject to aging
> out of the pool.
> The above statement from the doc's seems to
> contradict what the consultant
> said.
> I am asking this because I am *not* a DBA. I've
> always been a developer,
> and, was a DBA for a few years a very long time ago.
> The DBA's I work with
> are kind enough to involve me in meetings and
> discussions on DBA topics --
> they know that I like to at least try to be somewhat
> in touch with the DBA
> side of things (even if a little knowledge is more
> dangerous than none). It
> allows us to work better together. But, I know to
> not ask questions in
> meetings -- those questions can wait for later. I
> don't need to get a
> meeting sidetracked. So, I didn't ask about the
> consultant's statement that
> pinned packages can get aged out, especially in
> front of him. And, I never
> had the chance the ask about this with the DBA's
> after the meeting.
> Anyone want to clarify this point? The doc's seem
> pretty clear, but, I could
> be missing some of the subtle things that aren't in
> documents and that only
> seasoned DBA's know.
> Regards,
> Larry G. Elkins
> --
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> Author: Mark Leith
> Fat City Network Services -- (858) 538-5051 FAX:
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Stéphane Paquette
DBA Oracle, consultant entrepôt de données
Oracle DBA, datawarehouse consultant
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Received on Fri Apr 27 2001 - 05:22:28 CDT