- "First Updater Wins" -- Any ways around this?
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- advantages of unix for Oracle
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- an interesting post on the value add of unbreakable linux
- Analyze SYS and SYSTEM
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- AQ
- archive logs
- ASSM Tablespace
- audit alter table add column and drop column
- Autoextend situation with multiple datafiles
- avg_row_len=0 non-stale tables and partitions seen as stale
- backup
- Backup from 64 bit and restore to 32 bit
- Balancing size of RMAN backup pieces
- basic internal process
- bind a CLOB in Dynamic SQL ?
- Binding on a char column
- bug 2843192
- Calculating IX_SEL in 10053.
- Can Anyone Explain ...
- Can I measure average response times from command line (or SQL)
- Can I run 10gR2 on RHEL4?
- Can we fast refresh Materialized view when using DTC transaction?
- Can't grant SYSOPER or SYSDBA in VMS 10gR2 Cluster
- Cannot Store Chinese Characters In Oracle 9.2 Database
- Case insensitive search
- charset for kangi
- ClassCastException OracleConnectionPoolDataSource
- cleaning up disks
- Code for breaking the line in stored procedure.
- Compress database
- compress export file in window XP
- Connect by START WITH+ IN subquery - query optimization - help !
- constraining one correct answer but multiple invalid answers
- constraint_type=?
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- Convert my scripts for Oracle 10g
- Corrupt block
- Cursors and Shared pool
- Cyrillic character set
- data load and query VLDB
- datafiles in tablespace
- DDL commands
- Deadlock Problem
- determine if DB is in a DataGuard config
- Difference between OracleDataSource and OracleXADataSource
- Different explain plans for a query on SQL Plus and PL/SQL
- dinamo ERP makrolarý (vbscript)
- Distinct SELECT to query multiple table
- distributed transaction hangs
- Downloading Critical Patch Updates without a Metalink account
- Drop of partition with update global indexes, now system is unsuable
- drop/recreate index
- Duplicate Database from filesystem to ASM using Netbackup 6
- Dynamic SQL Reality Check
- E_FAIL(0x80004005)
- EM10g OMS Install Issues securing repository
- Embedding a function call in a SELECT statement
- enable foreign key taking huge temporary tablespace
- Error executing DBMS_DATAPUMP
- Error Message (new to oracle)
- Error message: "Unable to connect...."
- estimate index size on 9i
- Evaluating the performance of ORACLE 10 DBMS - Any ideas on a research question?
- Excellent Java consultant available immediately
- Excellent job openings for Oracle DBA Professionals
- excessive swapping during rman backups on Linux 2.6
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- FindFirstFile Windows API in External Procedures
- Finding rows with column1+column2 values are unique
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- Full Time Perm Oracle DBA NH
- Full Time Perm Oracle DBA opportunity
- Full Time Perm SPAM opportunity
- FYI: Impact of 2007 USA daylight saving changes on the Oracle database
- get_cpu_time vs. get_time
- Getting queue table name
- Good manual with list of waits and what they mean - OEM metrics
- grant select on x$ table
- Grid control backup not mailing.....
- happy patch day to everyone
- hardware requirements
- Have some online fun and play a new business game!
- Hello, newbie...
- HELP - Export/Import version 8.05
- Help : Download loadjava
- help determine 64-bitness of solaris x86 opteron install
- Help read my statspack report
- HOTLIST>> C,C++,Java,QA Lead and Tester.
- How is DBA_HIST_PARAMETER populated?
- How t o create view for update Balance
- How to Call Java from Pl/Sql ?
- How to check if a Function exists in a package
- How to deregister a cluster listener from crs.....
- How to determine the reason for snapshot autorefresh failure?
- how to find the lock or sql hold by distributed session?
- How to generate XML customized output in oracle 9.2 ?
- How to Insert a Column between existing columns?
- How to interpret date values in a trace file?
- How to know what sequence a table is using?
- How to monitor Oracle 9i user response times?
- How to query ...?
- How to query with multiple criteria on single field
- how to restart oracle 10g on linux
- how to scan text in column and use to join to another table
- How to start jobs with status not running
- How to stop replication absolutely
- how to tell what's running
- How to view java stored procedure?
- I want to test if connection pool is working...
- I've now, officially, seen it all...
- identified databases on sun solaris 5.3
- identify buffer data
- Identify sessions that are currently traced.
- import full X sys system sysman
- importing statistics
- IN Subquery on Collection
- Include File in PL/SQL?
- Incremental backups
- incremental import/export
- Index Fast Full Scan and associated wait
- Index use on views
- install oracle 10G on AIX raw device
- Installing 10gR2 in UNIX AIX While 8i Databases are Running
- Installing patchset on error
- invoking sqlplus giving error
- Is it possible to know the reason for invalid function
- Is this a bug?
- Issues in OUTPUTing the value from Oracle Procedure to C++ application
- JDBC execute statement with Brackets - NullPointerException
- Job Queue Process use lots of memory
- Join on vs intersect, for update query with Multiple tables??
- Lab available for REMOTELY building Oracle RAC
- Licensing oracle 10g
- Linux for 9i and 10g install?
- Linux?
- Listener shows 2 instances per service?
- listener.ora not found.
- LM Tablespace Autoextend Value - an easy one !!!
- Log file in Web directory ?
- LONG combine VARCHAR2
- Looking for a Junior Oracle DBA position
- managing lots of databases tool(s)
- Manual update / replication on a live database?
- Materialized Views
- materlized views and decodes
- materlized views from complex queries and refresh
- matrielized view logs
- maximum process exceeds 150
- Memory Usage in Oracle
- MI5 Persecution: A doubting Thomas is heard 9/5/95 (1482)
- MI5 Persecution: BBC's Hidden Shame 4/5/95 (577)
- MI5 Persecution: But why? 2/8/95 (5102)
- MI5 Persecution: Dirk Gently on the Toronto Case (577)
- MI5 Persecution: Hotchkies FAQ (1476)
- MI5 Persecution: Intelligence agency sources on the Web (1482)
- MI5 Persecution: Let it go 1/8/95 (4197)
- MI5 Persecution: Newsgroup members join in the discussion (2387)
- MI5 Persecution: Recognition by Strangers is Normal 12/5/95 (2387)
- MI5 Persecution: Surveillance methods 5/8/95 (6007)
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- MI5 Persecution: Website Index (2376)
- MI5 Persecution: £20,000 Reward (3277)
- Migration From Sybase To Oracle - White papers, tools, etc.
- monitor sql sentences
- Monitoring templates
- Montioring table usage
- more 8.1: defrag the drive
- mviews in Itanium machine
- My new free tool for Oracle
- Naming DEFAULT constraints
- Need to find a way to dump data...
- Nested SQL query involving multiple tables!
- Newbie help with simple script
- Newbie RMAN question: recovery catalogue
- Newbie to cursors...
- Newbie: Accessing different databases from isqlplus
- num_distinct too small with auto sample size on test db but not prod...
- OID and MIIS
- Optimize query ...
- Optimizing Queries Against UNIONed View
- ORA-00020 Error
- ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [3708], [910]
- ORA-00979: not a GROUP BY expression - can someone help?
- ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded
- ORA-01031 Hell...
- ORA-02041: client database did not begin a transaction
- ora-04063 sys.dba_queue_tables has errors
- ORA-12170: TNS:Connect timeout occurred
- ORA-25263
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- Oracle 10G - character sets.
- Oracle 10g DTC
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- oracle 10g question
- Oracle 10g XE java_pool_size & streams_pool_size
- Oracle 11i / DBA CA Full Time Perm
- Oracle 8.1 on 2000 server
- Oracle 8.1.7 Solaris Client - LOST!
- Oracle 9i IMP error
- Oracle 9i to 10g problems with Access Linked tables
- Oracle 9i | login.sql does not run on login by default
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- Oracle Snapshot column size
- Oracle Unit Testing
- Oracle10g database
- oracle9i
- Output param not retaining value
- Package functions and procedures
- Package procedure as inline view
- Package variable corruption?
- Passwords in Roles
- Performance impact of inactive sessions
- performance issue
- performance problem : tkprof show many fetches with high elapsed time
- Please help with messages - are these errors?
- Posição para DBA Oracle Jr - Rio de Janeiro
- PRO*C compile with librarires
- Probably a simple INSERT operation question
- problem in procedure to send email via plsql procedure
- problem w/ exception handling in pl/sql
- Problem with Oracle and IBM WBI Adapter for JDBC
- problems selecting clob field
- Problems with DBMS_METADATA
- Procedural Option, how to install it?
- process number 1234 column in v$session
- Query hangs when executed through perl
- Query Slow in 10g, runs very fast in 8i
- question:dbconsole security in 10g
- Rearrange columns
- Red Hat Oracle 10g R2 Installation Issues
- Referencing parameter value within a SQLLDR control file
- Regular Expression Question
- Release 805
- Remove Oracle XE from Windows XP
- Restore RAC database in single node
- restoring a schema
- resultset is not cleaned?
- Retrieve data from two databases
- rman deleting archivelog DIRECTORY!
- RMAN orphaned backups
- scott and tiger
- Seeking Equivalent of InterBase Domain
- Select query
- send report output as URL link to particular
- Sequence exists but not accessible from script
- server patch set
- Service don't start db
- session hanged while executing package
- Session Ip Address
- Setup two listeners on a machine
- Sexy Vidz
- sga_max_size
- Sharing development licenses with multiple clients
- Show Owner of Table
- Shutdown of one instance takes about 1hr
- Similar to alias, but to be reusable in all clauses of SQL: SELECT
- Simple question: How to manage/monitor multiple Oracle databases
- Single, Locally Managed system managed tablespace
- SLEEP Procs
- So Many Redo
- SPAM @ New York
- SPAMLIST>> C,C++,Java,QA Lead and Tester.
- SQL developer want become oracle DBA
- SQL loader unix script with multiple files
- sql queries and bind variables
- SQL Query
- SQL query!
- SQL without end
- SQL*Loader problem in 10g R2
- SQL*Net more data from client
- SQL*Net more data from client description
- Sr.Oracle DBA opening @ New York
- Statspack report for you to look at
- Stored Procs Returning Multiple Records
- Strange ORA-01031 issue
- Strange problem releasing inodes
- Stupid timing question
- Subject : HOTLIST>> C,C++,Java,QA Lead and Tester.
- subselect results in poor performance
- switching to 'direct path read' should help prevent thrashing buffer cache ?
- table fragment and index rebuild time
- Tablespace Question: Number Datafiles VS. Size of Datafiles
- tech stack uninstall
- temp extent size
- The blog on Pc trouble shooting skills,Networking,Linux
- This is a test - just ignore.
- threshold for implementing MTS question..
- Time format subtraction
- tkprof show many fetches with high elapsed time
- TNS-12500: TNS:listener failed to start a dedicated server process
- tnsping is working but connect gives ORA-12535: TNS:operation timed out
- to_tz function
- Tool for building Reports and Forms
- trigger on table in other schema results in ORA-00942
- Tuning Query help
- Uknown query
- Unable to clone oracle installation
- Unable to execute DBMS_DATAPUMP.ADD_FILE
- Unable to start 2nd db listener
- Understanding Rollback Segment Sizes
- undesired auditing records
- unicode performance penalty
- unique contraint without index
- Unique index not being used, up to date stats
- Using LIKE with IN on an expression
- Using OID to store RAC specific TNS entries
- Using user flows_xxx packages outside APEX
- UT - Salt Lake City - Oracle DBA
- v$sqlarea does not give latest SQL statements!
- wait event "null event" in in windows XP
- What are EMC requirements??
- What are EMCA requirments??
- What are performance implications of using BLOB
- What index access path does INDEX_SS yield ?
- What is Idle Instance
- What is the difference between shrinking an index and rebuilding in Oracle 10g?
- Where is this lib on Ubuntu6?
- Which one: OCI or the Oracle Compiler?
- which oracle client for aix 5.3 to connect to an Oracle 8.0.5/Win database ?
- Why does INSERT ... AS SELECT ... use TEMP, contrary to CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT...?
- Why my index is not used?
- Why woulld a query run with different performance inside/outside of a stored procedure?
- Windows vs Linux Performance
- www.OutpatientSurgicare.com/video/
- Last message date: Wed Jan 31 2007 - 18:11:44 CST
- Archived on: Sun Dec 30 2007 - 07:27:42 CST