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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Materialized Views
creating a MV is actually in background creating a table. You create 2
objects : a table and a MV. They are one and the same, the MV is just a
definition on the table.
I would just drop the MV (table is dropped automatically unless it was
a MV on a prebuilt table). Then just recreate the MV (table is created
automatically). Then you can add indexes.
And after a while, you should be able to do a fast refresh.
Jason schreef:
> HELP Please!
> Have added two columns to the master table and each of the 3 million
> rows have new info in one of the two new columns. If I look at the
> materialized view log on the master I see my two new columns. So, I
> have done nothing to this MV Log.
> On the replication server I have a materialized view that needs updated
> to reflect these two new columns. It appears I can't issue 'alter
> materialized view''.
> Here is what I am planning to do:
> 1) Drop the materialized view on the rep server (which will also remove
> the table???)
> 2) Re-Create the materialized view on the rep server adding these two
> new columns in the select statement, along with a where clause to limit
> the replication to about 1million rows.
> 3)Re-Create the table
> 4)Re-Create the indexes
> 5)Do the refresh
> Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Received on Tue Jan 16 2007 - 09:15:34 CST