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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Windows vs Linux Performance
On Jan 24, 10:03 pm, DA Morgan <> wrote:
> Niall Litchfield wrote:
> >> For the rest of us there is a real operating system.
> > and of course unsubstantiated and unreproducible assertions such as 'on
> > linux it is sub second on windows it is 25 second' where the test, the
> > hardware and so on are not even cursorily mentioned.Where? Here:
> RedHat Linux AS 4 Update 2
> Oracle
I thought that the test as to adequate documentation was somewhat harder than that
"But again the test is meaningless except as marketing fodder for Microsoft. Which Linux packages were installed? I don't know. Which kernel parameters were set? I don't know. What were the Oracle initialization parameters? I don't know. Integers are not data. "
Don't really see a set of jpg files and a statement about failover time as meeting the standard of the article that everyone is dismissing, let alone that list above. Received on Thu Jan 25 2007 - 09:48:03 CST