DA Morgan <damorgan_at_psoug.org> wrote:
> Helmut Schneider wrote:
>> I configured the (translation from german, sorry) "by oracle suggested
>> backup". I expected that from time to time a full backup piece is created
>> but by now (backup runs for 7 weeks now) only incremets are created
>> (besides from the first backup piece which was a full backup).
>> Did I configure something wrong or does oracle expect the user (admin) to
>> carry a lorry full of tapes out of the safe in case of a restore?
>> Thanks, Helmut
> Looks like everything is working perfectly to me. Well at least
> perfectly in that you haven't specified another level 0 backup.
If I add a new job doing a full backup the increments created by the "by
oracle suggested backup" won't fit to my full backup. So should I use my
personal backup plan and not use the oracle backup at all?
Thanks, Helmut
Received on Mon Jan 29 2007 - 07:35:21 CST