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"Anurag Varma" <> wrote in
> > hpuxrac wrote:
> --snip sequence-- > > additionally: > OP can possibly use DDL wizard to do the same (Create schema objects). > I had used it some while back and believe it would allow you to filter > out > tablespace names fairly easily. > > > > Anurag >
Thanks for the help, but I got the answer today. It turns out that when I
was on the project 6.5 years ago I created documentation on how to create
and load schemas in this system. By the way, it's Maximo version 4.3 by
PSDI, a very nice Facilities management package. Here's how it had to go:
1. Create the tablespace as sysdba, logged in as sysadm
(I named it after the user/owner - "tst)
2. Setup username, granting connect/resource and DBA to "TST"
3. Now the tricky part: Run this program that creates the schema while
logged in as "sys" - this was the part I didn't get right. This creates the
schema to allow us to import as the schema owner (tst) from any other
schema export.
4. Import the file that was exported with an explicit tablelist (the schema
create program creates this funky encryption table that you can't export
This worked fine, as it gets around that schema weirdness mentioned above. I seem to remember a PSDI employee telling me how to export from a schema that would create a file that could be loaded into any empty tablespace. Maybe not.
Anyway, thanks for all the time and help - you did point me in the correct direction for exporting with the to/from user - that saved me a day at least.
Take Care,
Received on Tue Jan 09 2007 - 18:40:59 CST