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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: FYI: Impact of 2007 USA daylight saving changes on the Oracle database
Yeah, don't wait till Friday March 9, 2007 to address this.
So far all has gone well from the "HP-UX server/Oracle database" side of things at our site. All known patches are in place and our testing has gone well.
Oracle8i - Does not use time zones; if using JVM, you'll need to apply
a patch
Oracle9i - No time zone or JVM usage in our Imaging database (our only
one on 9i)
Oracle10g - None of the patches were difficult. The time zone data in
the Data Dictionary (Scheduler tables) turned out to be a non-issue for
us since all the current data (at patch application time) turned out to
be outside of the affected time frame (Second Sunday in March thru the
First Sunday in November).
>From the HP-UX side, it appears all our Unix SA had to do was implement
patches that provided a new "tztab" table.
Good luck to all!
Eugene Pokopac (Oracle DBA - GSFA - Tucker, GA) Received on Thu Jan 11 2007 - 08:51:00 CST