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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Is this a bug?
Valentin Minzatu schrieb:
> .... or go even further and run:
> SELECT DISTINCT owner, column_name, data_type
> FROM dba_tab_columns
> WHERE column_name IN (SELECT keyword
> FROM v$reserved_words) AND owner LIKE
> 'SYS%';
To be honest, i had no pleasure seing the results from this query. It seems to me as potential issues in certain circumstances ( like the OP example with trigger referenced the table). My personal favorite in this context is
SELECT WHERE FROM V$LATCH_MISSES which can't be parsed without doublequoting the column name... (or , why bother , "select *" do it well enough ;-))
Best regards
Maxim Received on Thu Jan 04 2007 - 11:08:52 CST