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Re: orace10G XE WindowsXp and Zonealarm Pro

From: hpuxrac <>
Date: 10 Jan 2007 04:07:54 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Robert A. Reissaus wrote:
> >If you know it's the privacy settings that are affecting you perhaps
> >you want to experiment with turning those or setting those settings to
> >different values until you find what's workable for you.
> >
> >Contacting zone alarm support is also an option to consider.
> Hi, well actually I already did that, as you can read in the original
> posting.

Sorry must have missed that part in the original post. My bad.

> The only way I can get this to work is to set ZoneAlarm
> default privacy setting to 'Accept everything'. And then adjust all
> settings for every site I visit to what is needed.

As far as I know these privacy settings are in regards to internet connections that you use from web browsers like IE etc. Somehow zone alarm is determining if web browsers are allowed to store cookies, etc is my guess.

This isn't really an oracle problem to me it's a problem you are experiencing using web browsers.

You might want to instead configure zone alarm with the spy software removal on and for it to delete all the history on a frequent basis. This might allow you to proceed by changing the privacy setting and your oracle stuff to work but still protect you.

> Which of course is
> not something I am going to do and is nonsense since Oracle is running
> in the trusted zone! Oracle is trying to set an internet cookie
> without it being clear where it comes from, so I can't adjust settings
> ( though my ques is the tsnlistener - but since that isn't a
> site....).

Doubtful that the oracle listener is setting cookie values.

> I 'l try the OTN once more and probably ZoneAlarm as well;
> even though I have allready looked at it. All they have has to do with
> 'file and printer sharing'. Tried that with no result. If this can
> not be solved I'll still have to consider Oracle to be inadequate on
> at least windows. Probably the lack of competition. Pitty.

Looks like a problem you are having that's not directly related to oracle. Being frustrated is understandable but I don't think you are separating correctly out "which pieces" of software are causing you aggravation.

> Robert A. Reissaus
Received on Wed Jan 10 2007 - 06:07:54 CST

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