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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: threshold for implementing MTS question..
On Jan 30, 4:48 pm, GS <> wrote:
> The server is running Windows 2003 advanced server, 8GB RAM, 8 3Ghz Xeon
> processors, /fastdetect and /PAE switches are in boot.ini
> Database is, shared pool 400 MB, buffer cache 800MB, large pool
> 8MB SGA max size 1505 MB - Typical number of connected users is between
> 75 and 125, running in dedicated server mode. Aggregate PGA target is
> 150MB, and application connects to database via ODBC. Processes is set
> at 150, I was thinking of increasing this but when I looked at the max
> utilization when these errors were happening it was only 136.
> The database has been running since Sept with no problems, until a few
> days ago when people suddenly could not connect. Looking at listener.log
> showed a lot of TNS-12540: TNS:internal limit restriction exceeded and
> TNS-00510: Internal limit restriction exceeded messages, along with some
> TNS-12500 and 12560's. The number of users connected was between 120 and
> 130, and nothing out of the ordinary was being done. I bounced the DB to
> clear the problem and it has not happened since, and no connection
> errors are showing in listener.log
> Since many connections are idle for long periods of time, I was
> considering implementing MTS (or maybe DCD), but I thought that one
> shouldn't need this (MTS) until connected users hit closer to the 1000 mark.
> Has anyone here switched to MTS, and if so, what threshold did you use
> to make this decision?
> Or should I be looking elsewhere to find the problem and/or cure?
> thanks!
People have different feelings regarding MTS that are all over the extremes.
To me it's something to be avoided unless absolutely force to consider it. Doesn't sound like you are in that place.
There's really no "silver bullet" number of connected sessions that mandates one consider MTS and running several thousand in dedicated isn't uncommon. It's more a consideration of available memory on the server ( or not ). Received on Tue Jan 30 2007 - 19:29:26 CST