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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Finding rows with column1+column2 values are unique wrote:
> wrote:
> > How do we find out the number of rows in a Table where the combination
> > of two (non-key)column values are unique?
> I have put my requirement wrongly. Here is the correct one?
> COLUMN1 is a key column.
> COLUMN2, COLUMN3 are the non-key columns.
> ---------- --------- --------
> 1 10 S1
> 1 10 S2
> 2 20 S3
> 2 30 S4
> 3 40 S5
> We have to find out the number of COLUMN1s, where there is a 1:1
> relation between all the COLUMN2 and COLUMN3 values for a given COLUMN1
> value.
> For example, for the above table, it should result in the following:
> 2 20 S3
> 2 30 S4
> 3 40 S5
> The count is 3 rows.
> How exactly it can be done using SQL statement?
select column1,column2,column3 from thistable
group by column1,column2,column3
having count(*)=1;
Dealing with NULL is left as an exercise for the reader (Hint: NVL() function)
Received on Wed Jan 17 2007 - 10:46:34 CST