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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: advantages of unix for Oracle
>I would also always choose Unix instead of Linux, as Linux is just a
>bag of rpms and you always need to assemble your O/S from numerous
>places. In short: in a commercial environment, I want to be able to
>blame someone. If I can buy Oracle + Linux from Oracle, that is a good
>thing, because in that case I can blame one vendor.
I would choose Unix over Linux (Solaris Unix, I don't have experience with others) because
There are other minor annoyances that come up often when I work on Linux which I don't seem to recall from Solaris days
Hardware-wise I have mixed experience with both. Some old Solaris stuff was definetely 'faulty', but we still have some 7yrold Sun boxes running just fine.
However, Linux (often) has nicer, easier accessible tools available... for Solaris you are forced to go to places like Bang for the buck seems better with Linux too.
We run Oracle 9iR2,10gR1/2 on RH4/RH3 and Solaris 10 (Sparc)
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Received on Thu Jan 18 2007 - 01:54:55 CST