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On 1月30日, 上午12時42分, "MTNorman" <> wrote:
> On Jan 29, 2:44 am, wrote:
> > Oracle 10g XE does not support Java nor Streams. However, Oracle
> > insists on assigning 1 dozen MB total for them even is the
> > corresponding *_pool_size are set to 0. Isn't this a bit stupid?
> I usually work with enterprise edition and have little experience with
> XE beyond some "try it out" installs so this is only an educated
> guess.
> One, I believe you are attempting to change the wrong parameter.
> "java_pool_size" is the parameter you can change with alter system.
> "__java_pool_size" is an ASMM value recorded in the spfile so that the
> ASMM sizings persist across instance restarts.
> Two, the 10g data dictionary contains java stored procedures and uses
> queues. The 12m is probably a realistic mimumum size. ASMM reduces
> the size of any managed pools (java is managed, streams is not) when
> there is pressure from other pools. You can try reducing
> java_pool_size=1k, but your database may not start back up afterwards.
> Hope you find this helpful,
> Margaret
Thanks for all your comments.
Oracle XE does not support java and streams, and nothing seems related to java according to object type. Therefore, I would assume it is OK to set the pool sizes to 0.
alter system set "__java_pool_size" does run, and the pool sizes really become 0 in v$sgainfo. However, the values remain non-zero in v $sgastat. So this actually cause more confusion.
2 WHERE NAME LIKE '%Pool Size';
NAME BYTES RESIZE ----------------------------------- ---------- ------ Shared Pool Size 88080384 Yes Large Pool Size 8388608 Yes Java Pool Size 0 Yes Streams Pool Size 0 Yes
4 /
POOL SUM(BYTES) ------------------------ ---------- 58716356 java pool 4194304 streams pool 8388608 shared pool 88085080 large pool 8388608
I was unable to fill up the SGA so that ASMM resize the pools. All the pools have free memory whatever I do. I would like to assume that Oracle would resize the pools if the space is needed, or there are secrets missions in java & streams pools Received on Wed Jan 31 2007 - 04:19:19 CST