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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: restoring a schema
Isabel wrote:
> Hi all,
> Here is the scenerio,
> I want to back up a schema from one 10g db to another 10g db. The
> schema has 3 tablespaces in it. First, I tried the export utility
> (exporting by schema, tablespaces, tables...) Everything that got
> imported ended up wrong (inside the wrong schema, wrong info, errors,
> etc...)
> I then tried transportable tables and was successful at creating the
> .DMP and the .dbf's but I could not import them into the new database.
> (something about unable to read the log file on a certain line)
> My question is which way would you suggest is the best to export a
> schema that contains a user and 3 tablespaces and reimport to a new 10g
> database? Once I know the right way then I can worry about fixing the
> bugs!
> Thank you!
Have you tried doing some searches via google or whatever for "oracle data pump" combined with some variations like "schema move"?
Looks like Tom Kyte has some good examples ( ). Probably this newsgroup as well. Received on Mon Jan 08 2007 - 18:53:28 CST