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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> How t o create view for update Balance
How could we write a query for a view to create from two tables as per
details below?
Table One Stock
comprising of columns A/C no, date processed and received stock.
And other table ISSUE
Comprising of columns A/C, date processed, issued stock
now how to create a view Stock balance from the above tables to gave us detailed balance record?
View Comprising of columns A/C, date processed, Received Stock, Issued
Stock and Balance
Group by A/C arrange by processed date.
Is the creation of above is possible is yes what is that query.
If not possible then what other solution could be gave me details answer
My emails address is
Thanks in advance for help Received on Wed Jan 24 2007 - 18:40:04 CST