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On Jan 22, 10:09 am, "John K. Hinsdale" <> wrote:
> cptkirkhwrote:
> > When designing a MV can someone use a decode with a fast refresh on
> > commit?Absolutely.
> For REFERESH FAST ON COMMIT, you will need to do the
> requisite CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG ON ... commands.
> For these, you will find that you need NOT necessarily include the
> columns
> on which you are doing the DECODE, if their use in the materialized
> view is limited to the SELECT clause (even as "input" to DECODE).
> I suggest trying to create the MV log w/out any WITH PRIMARY
> KEY(...) clause at all and just see if it works. Let me know if you
> would like an example.
> Hope that helps.
> JH
Being a simple man an example would be helpful but let me see if I understand what you are saying. That I may use decodes in the select portion of my query that is used to build my MV that refreshes fast on commit. I do this by building MV logs on each of the tables in the FROM clause of my SQL query. But I don't need to include those particular columsn in the MV log. That last statement may confuse me cause I am not sure how it actually know s the original column changed if I don't put it in the MV log. Waht baout functions in a select clause? What do I do to make sure they get refreshed fast on commit. Thanks for your help
Here is an example of my code.
select, d.cpd_a_a_n , d.cpd_a_a_o , d.cpd_a_a_n, d.cpd_a_a_r,
F_any(ac_id,1) , F_any(a.c_id,2) , F_any(a.c_id,3),
b.c_id = a.c_id and a.c_ag_id = c.a_id(+) and a.c_id = d.c_id(+)
Now the function f_any access three other tables not in this from clause. Oh and this is a scaled down version of the actual select statement we use to build a table we use for data reporting. My goal is to build a MV that refreshes on commit and not one that runs at night and gets recreated every night. Received on Fri Jan 26 2007 - 09:19:17 CST