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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: What index access path does INDEX_SS yield ?
Jonathan asked me two questions in our direct
>>Is "TRTP_ID" also a column in the primary key of TF ?
>>I would raise this with Oracle - but for curiosity sake,
>>you might see what happens with
>> TF.TRTP_ID + 0 = tt.trtp_id
His assumption as to TRTP_ID being a member of the
PK was right; as to his suggestion to add a pseudo-condition
to the join between TF and TT it worked perfectly as it
caused the optimizer to eventually comply with my
hint instruction...
Here is what I answered him:
> 1/ yes, TRPT_ID is another field of the PK, > 2/ and if I add the "+ 0" to the 2nd join condition > I get my so boundlessly expected SKIP SCAN !
Thanks, and meilleures salutations à tous. Sp Received on Tue Jan 09 2007 - 02:17:12 CST