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On Jan 2, 8:51 am, Jeremy <> wrote:
> ------------- Oracle 9i R2 ----------------------
> Hello experts, the following is valid in a procedure within a package
> where the myfunc function is also defined:
> select myfunc(1,ID) from my_id_tab;
> The function myfunc is defined as
> function myfunc
> (p_id_array in number,
> p_id in number)
> return varchar2;
> NOW the problem.
> Suppose myfunc is defined like this:
> function myfunc
> (p_id_array in utils.numarray,
> p_id in number)
> return varchar2;
> And the datatype numarray is defined in a UTILS package header as
> type numarray is table of number index by binary_integer;
> Then within my procedure, I have a local variable defined:
> l_id_array ic_util.numarray;
> Then I change the original select statement to be
> select myfunc(l_id_array,ID) from my_id_tab;
> Now if I try to compile my procedure, I get error:
> 630/7 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
> 782/12 PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to
> 782/12 PL/SQL: ORA-00904: "MYPACKAGE"."MYFUNC": invalid identifier
> 782/24 PLS-00382: expression is of wrong type
> I think all the data types match correctly, is there a reaon why I
> should be able to embed the function in the select clause only if the
> input parameters are NOT of a user-defined type?
> A simple call to the function outside of the select clause works fine:
> l_str := id_in_array(l_id_array,1);
> --
> jeremy
> ============================================================
> Oracle 9iR2 / Oracle HTTP Server / mod_plsql / Solaris 8
> ============================================================
jeremy, have both of the following requirements been complied with?
User-defined functions must be created as top-level functions or
declared with a package specification before they can be named within a
SQL statement.
To use a user function in a SQL expression, you must own or have
EXECUTE privilege on the user function
<< (from 9.2 SQL manual material on user-defined functions)
Does the owner of the function have a direct grant (execute) on the "utils" package or own it?
HTH -- Mark D Powell -- Received on Tue Jan 02 2007 - 08:22:03 CST