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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: orace10G XE WindowsXp and Zonealarm Pro
On 8 Jan 2007 09:44:16 -0800, "sybrandb" <> wrote:
>Robert A. Reissaus wrote:
>> Hi guys.
>> I have installed a oracle10 Express Edition on my Windowsxp. On the
>> system I am running ZoneAlarm Pro with rather obvious adjusted privacy
>> settings as follows:
>> 3rd party cookies are blocked.
>> private header information is disabled.
>> popup/under ads are blocked
>> animations are blocked
>> script execution is blocked ( vbscript etc).
>> As a result I can NOT logon to the database using SYSTEM ( or any
>> other user for that matter).
>> The ONLY i can log in is to remove ANY initial blockage in my
>> firewall. This is of course totally unacceptable. Now I have tried to
>> tweak the firewall settings in such a way that ports used by oracle
>> are allowed, but that doesn't work. It *looks* like oracle circumvents
>> the firewall entirely.
>> Anybody any idea?
>> Robert A. Reissaus
>You don't provide any proof for this wild guess.
>As you don't provide any specifics as to what is wrong (what does 'Can
>not logon'? Any error message), and you already seem to know the cause,
>*you* are probably the 'expert'; that should resolve that problem,
>preferably without posting here.
>You could of course always install the Enterprise Edition.
>Apart from that you could dump ZoneAlarm Pro for some decent piece
>firewall software.
>After all, you got XE for free.
>One Dutch proverb says 'One shouldn't look a horse, which was given to
>you, in its mouth'
It is amazing that whenever someone asks a question invariably the trolls answer first. Nothing else to do? You remind me of all the 'specialists'. Why don't you upgrade and spend an absurd amount of money WITHOUT knowing whether a piece of software you would like to use or get to know ( better) is the piece of software you really need? Usually you get a response like this because people really do not know what they are doing beyond being able to use a tool.
Oh b.t.w. ZoneAlarm is a product made by CheckPoint. Not really a crap company, get your facts straight.
I am just happy you're not working with my clients, my friend, they would most likely kick your block off. And rightfully so.
So is there someone with a proper attitudeable that can help me with this?
Robert A. Reissaus
Received on Mon Jan 08 2007 - 12:11:06 CST