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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: backup
On Jan 27, 9:19 am, "Helmut Schneider" <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I configured the (translation from german, sorry) "by oracle suggested
> backup". I expected that from time to time a full backup piece is created
> but by now (backup runs for 7 weeks now) only incremets are created (besides
> from the first backup piece which was a full backup).
> Did I configure something wrong or does oracle expect the user (admin) to
> carry a lorry full of tapes out of the safe in case of a restore?
> Thanks, Helmut
The Oracle edition and version is always useful information in Oracle newsgroup posts. Since this is basically a duplicate question to your other post and that thread has been answered I will not add any additional advice other than to recommend that you schedule a full backup every N days or replace the incrementals will full backups to begin with. If the database is small I would rather just perform the full backup than incrementals.
HTH -- Mark D Powell -- Received on Sat Jan 27 2007 - 11:14:52 CST