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steven_nospam at Yahoo! Canada wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have what I think is probably a very basic question. I'm having a bit
> of a problem understanding how to size my rollback segments, if I have
> reserved too much or too little space, and whether I have enough of
> them.
> I am setting up a new Oracle 9.2.0 database and our company has four
> SQLs for creating the databases - one SQL each for sizing based on
> small, medium, large, and extra-large databases. I am not too familiar
> with all the items in there and I want to understand what it is doing
> instead of just blindly trusting what someone else set up years ago for
> an Oracle 8i system...things change but these scripts may not have.
> So here is where I stand:
> - I am on an AIX 5L system
> - I have a database containing roughly 10GB of actual data.
> - The largest table contains 686643 rows for a total segment size of
> 721 MB.
> - The database is used to store sales, inventory, and accounting data.
> - Normal daily activities are adding orders and shipping material
> The database creation SQL indicates I should make four (4) data files
> for the RBS (3 X 1GB, 1X 500MB).
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> create tablespace esindl01rbs
> datafile '/oradata01/l01/rbs/esindl01rbs01' size 1000M autoextend OFF
> alter tablespace esindl01rbs
> add datafile '/oradata01/l01/rbs/esindl01rbs02'
> size 500M autoextend OFF;
> alter tablespace esindl01rbs
> add datafile '/oradata01/l01/rbs/esindl01rbs03'
> size 1000M autoextend OFF;
> alter tablespace esindl01rbs
> add datafile '/oradata01/l01/rbs/esindl01rbs04'
> size 1000M autoextend OFF;
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> I should then create four rollback segments that each appear exactly
> the same as below:
> create rollback segment esindl01_rbs01 tablespace esindl01rbs
> storage(initial 50M next 50M minextents 2 maxextents 10 optimal 300M);
> So my questions here are:
> 1) Why was the second data file in the RBS made smaller? I am pretty
> sure that it was just an error by whoever set it up, and they can all
> be the same size.
> 2) When I look at the existing RBS area (same DB on older system), it
> is only 30% used. Am I wasting a lot of space here? I assume the RBS
> expand if any undo information is stored there and requires more space
> (up to max of 10 extents).
> 3) What is the maximum size each rollback segment might grow based on
> these settings? I am thinking minimum 100MB (minextents) and maximum
> 500MB (maxextents), so I believe that even if we reach maxextents on
> all four RBS, each one would only be 500MB max?
> I checked the V$ROLLSTAT and there are almost now extends or shrinks,
> and a book I am reviewing on tuning indicates all four are 99.9%
> hitting the mark (waits vs gets). As I said, I'm not really trying to
> tune this database, but rather understand why something is set a
> certain way and whether I am actually wasting space, which I think I
> am.
> Thanks in advance.
> Steve
My OEM advisors tell me I need more undo than the rest of the db, but I ignore them. But I'm old and crotchety about it, and have a cron job that kills obviously senile sessions. YMMV.
-- is bogus. Meow. on Wed Jan 17 2007 - 17:32:56 CST