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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> orace10G XE WindowsXp and Zonealarm Pro
Hi guys.
I have installed a oracle10 Express Edition on my Windowsxp. On the
system I am running ZoneAlarm Pro with rather obvious adjusted privacy
settings as follows:
3rd party cookies are blocked.
private header information is disabled.
popup/under ads are blocked
animations are blocked
script execution is blocked ( vbscript etc).
As a result I can NOT logon to the database using SYSTEM ( or any other user for that matter).
The ONLY i can log in is to remove ANY initial blockage in my firewall. This is of course totally unacceptable. Now I have tried to tweak the firewall settings in such a way that ports used by oracle are allowed, but that doesn't work. It *looks* like oracle circumvents the firewall entirely.
Anybody any idea?
Robert A. Reissaus
Received on Mon Jan 08 2007 - 11:32:07 CST