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Re: Oracle 10G - character sets.

From: markpapadakis <>
Date: 9 Jan 2007 03:38:13 -0800
Message-ID: <>

> 927 is not a possible character in WE8MSWIN1252.
> But you said that your national character set is AL16UTF16, and in this
> character set 927 is the greek capital letter omicron (but not omega!).
> Is it possible that you have selected an omicron and not an omega?
> Is the column ARTTITLE of table ARTICLES an NCHAR or NVARCHAR column?

Hm, indeed!
It is an NVCHAR as opposed to being a CHAR.

Name                                      Null?    Type
ARTTITLE                                  NOT NULL NVARCHAR2(500)

> > Same here. Perhaps sqlplus is utilizing some sort of functionality
> > which ends up getting the text in the proper encoding.No, it doesn't. There's no magic in sqlplus :^)
> If it is like I suspect, and you have NCHAR columns, then the data in
> your database is correct. This is a good message and explains why
> sqlplus retrieves them correctly.

In such a case, what should I do to access them ?

> I have a suspicion, though:
> I guess that there is a problem in the setting of NLS_LANG in these
> clients. I don't know how to do it in PHP, but have you tried outputting
> the current value of that environment variable in the code right
> before you establish the connection?
> Something like printf("%s\n", getenv("NLS_LANG")); (in C)


        char *nlsLang = getenv("NLS_LANG");
        if (nlsLang)
                printf("NLS_LANG = %s\n", getenv("NLS_LANG"));



NLS_LANG = GREEK_GREECE.EL8ISO8859P7 same goes for the PHP script (i.e echo($_ENV['NLS_LANG']) ).

> Then we would know for certain if the variable is set correctly there.
> A second approach would be to turn on client tracing and see what actually
> passes to and from the database. One should be able to determine NLS
> problems with that. But try the printf first.

Hm, how do I turn on client tracing? perhaps controlled via an environment variable or some OCI calls?

Perhaps some special treatment is required for NVCHARS ? i.e NLS_LANG may not apply to them?

Thank you!

> Yours,
> Laurenz Albe
Received on Tue Jan 09 2007 - 05:38:13 CST

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