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Re: Can Anyone Explain ...

From: Dereck L. Dietz <>
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 20:29:34 -0500
Message-ID: <Tbxvh.310$>

"MTNorman" <> wrote in message
> On Jan 29, 7:15 pm, "Dereck L. Dietz" <> wrote:
> >The Oracle version is 10 Release 2. From what I gather from previous
> > meetings there are a number of patches he hasn't installed since he's
> > waiting for release 3 to come out.
> >
> > Also, the database is in NOARCHIVELOG mode.-
> NOARCHIVELOG mode means no hot backups - that's why he wants a cold
> consistent backup. If all the database files are on the same set of
> physical disks now, you need to additional disks for archive logs -
> logs should not be on the same disks as data files. Enough disk for
> writing RMAN compressed backup sets before pushing the backup sets to
> tape is good too. Backup set disk can be relatively slow disks -
> since any disk is generally faster than any tape. (Yes, there are
> some high end tape systems where that's not a valid statement.)

I know you cannot do hot backup in NOARCHIVE mode. I mentioned the database was in NOARCHIVE mode because in Mark Powell's response he mentioned hot backups.

> You may want to talk with the DBA about what he needs to implement a
> better or less down time backup solution. Lots of times the DBA knows
> how to make things work better, but may have gotten beaten down by a
> management mind set to a point he or she is no longer proposing better
> methods. For example, management requires all database storage be a
> high dollar SAN, then states storage for a fast disk-to-disk backup
> strategy is too expensive - even when a few high capacity fixed disks
> could handle the job for a few hundred dollars.

I don't think this DBA is even thinking about implementing a better solution. He appears to rule using RMAN out at all because of the catalog not being installed despite, like Mark Powell also mentioned, you can use the control file with RMAN. I have to believe that RMAN would be must more efficient and quicker than whatever he currently is using which takes nearly an entire day to perform a backup.

> Is there a particular bug you are having a problem with that is fixed
> in one of the outstanding patch sets? A lot of DBAs do not want to
> take a chance on destabilizing a system with minor patch levels.
> Patching oracle software will not fix what sounds like (from the
> limited info) underlying disk storage problems.

I just mentioned this in case this fact made any difference in Mark Powell's point #3. Received on Mon Jan 29 2007 - 19:29:34 CST

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