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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Oracle 9i to 10g problems with Access Linked tables
We have recently upgraded our oracle server to 10g Release 2 from 9i,
We had MS Access project setup up with linked tables using the 9i ODBC driver, Having upgraded the server to 10g we decided to upgrade the clients as the 9i clients didnt seem to work with the 10g server. Having created a 10g connection with exactly the same name as the 9i connection was we thought the Access project should work fine , But we have found that when you start the project you get an error saying Prod9i unavailible even though when you test the connection under the ODBC connections in control panel it comes back successful.
We have found that if you relink the tables when you start up the project it does work, However this doesnt seem to save and you have to repeat this process every time you start up the MS access project.
If anyone could shed any light on this problem i would be very grateful!
Oracle 10g release 2
MS Access 2003
Windows XP
Oracle 10g is on Windows 2003
Received on Wed Jan 24 2007 - 11:34:02 CST