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Comments below:
On Jan 30, 7:46 am, "MTNorman" <> wrote:
>Most of the time when someone is asking about RMAN backups, the
> assumption is the database is in ARCHIVELOG mode, since that is
> required for standard RMAN functionality. You may have known the
> database was in NOARCHIVELOG mode, but you had not communciated that
> information in this posting.
Its probably your assumption. Depends on what you call standard. RMAN
is perfectly valid backup solution even for cold backup. There are
some DBA's
who prefer running a datawarehouse in NOARCHIVELOG mode and do
cold backups with assumption that any data lost can be recovered
by running the ETL process again.
> Prior to 10g, RMAN required a recovery repository, so maybe that's a
> training issue. RMAN was also a bear to work with in 8i, so maybe
> your DBA got burned there too.
RMAN did *not* require recovery repository even before 10g. I
currently use
RMAN for some 9i databases without a recovery repository!
> Unfortunately, the confrontational tone of your posting and responses
> indicate your situation probably won't improve. It's not enough to be
> technically correct; you have to be able to work with others to
> implement the technically correct solution. It's hard to imagine your
> DBA doing much listening while you are challenging his base
> competence. I understand your frustration, but try to remember...
> "You can catch more flies with sugar than salt."
> Regards,
> Margaret
Anurag Received on Tue Jan 30 2007 - 09:08:12 CST