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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: What index access path does INDEX_SS yield ?
"Spendius" <> wrote in message
>> However, thinking further about this piece of trace file,
>> it looks to me as if Oracle hasn't see your hint at all.
>> This suggests that there is a syntax error somewhere
>> in your hint.
> I don't think so as the optimizer reacts to my hint, it
> reacts the wrong way but does react anyway: when
> I remove the hint I get an FTS on TABLE_1.
I was fooled by the presence of the calculation of the full tablescan - which doesn't appear in any of my attempts to reproduce the problem when I use the hint.
-- Regards Jonathan Lewis Author: Cost Based Oracle: Fundamentals The Co-operative Oracle Users' FAQ on Thu Jan 04 2007 - 05:49:47 CST