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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: UT - Salt Lake City - Oracle DBA
Comments embedded.
Robert wrote:
> The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is looking for senior
> level Oracle DBA's. Canidates must be a member of the Church of Jesus
> Christ of Latter-day Saints, and currently temple worthy.
Well, gee, that disqualifies me right there ...
> Other
> qualifications:
> * Oracle 9i (10g Prefered)
> * PL/SQL
> * Database design (Power Designer or ERWin)
> * Tuning
> * Backup and Recovery
> Individual applicants and recruiters are most welcome.
No, they're not, as most recruiters and applicants aren't Mormons much less 'temple worthy'.
You may contact
> me, Robert Freeman (, for more information at
> 801.240.4899. Please leave
> a message.
Yes, well, it's obviously a tenet of the Mormons to spam newsgroups for unqualified applicants simply because you can spell the newsgroup name. This is considered SPAM in and deserves an apology. So, issue your apology to the group immediately and repost this where it will do the most good, either in or in your local church bulletin.
David Fitzjarrell Received on Sat Jan 20 2007 - 15:39:03 CST