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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: archive logs
shinobi wrote:
> Cris wrote:
> > shinobi wrote:
> >
> > > How can I clear the archive logs
> >
> > By deleting them or moving them elsewhere?
> >
> > --
> >
> >
> > blind faith in your leaders or
> > in anything will get you killed
> Ok. I'm not a dba but I am being asked to take care of this. How do I
> delete archive logs. Is there a file extension I can search for? This
> is on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux system. Would this be one of the
> files ending in .trc?
> Thanks
> -shinobi
It's a near 100% certainty that they are NOT *.trc. You really need to get a DBA to do this work as the potential for total disaster from deleting the wrong files is very great. You have to determine where the archivelog files are being written. To do that you have to look at the value of the log_archive_dest% and db_recovery_file_dest initialization parameters, which means you have to connect to the database, probably using sqlplus, with dba authority. A 'show parameter' command will show you what you need, but there may still be some issues of interpreting it.. is the db using a flash recovery area or not. If it is using flash recovery, simply deleting the archivelogs may not be enough. You may also have to execute rman crosscheck and delete commands to get the db to realize it really has enough space.
The database is not really 'down' and it is not damaged. It is simply waiting for space to be made available to write the next archivelog file. As soon as it is available, it will pick up where it left off.
While deleting the archive log files does not necessitate a recovery, it does mean that a later full recovery will not be possible. Received on Fri Jan 12 2007 - 11:31:28 CST