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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Understanding Rollback Segment Sizes
Hi Steve, I think others have correctly identified better alternative
choices, so I'm going to take a shot at answering the original
2&3) You are correct that with the current settings the rollback segment will only reach 500m each or 2000m total. Remember when you are looking at the usage you are only seeing one moment in time. The optimial setting means even if the rollback segments had consumed 58% of the space a couple of hours ago, after skrinking back to the "optimal" size, only 30% is being used now. Not having enough space causes query and process failures. Unless you are running out of storage, you are probably better off not to reducing the available RBS resources. If you have the tablespace size equal to the _current_ total maximum rollback size, then changing any rollback setting or adding an additional rollback segment requires you remembering to adjust the tablespace. If you don't, then on some later day... problems.
Changing the RBS setup, whether moving from manual RBS to automatic UNDO or reducing storage resources, introduces an "untested" configuration change. If you don't feel you can move to UNDO at this point in your project, you probably shouldn't be considering reducing the RBS tablespace size either.
Received on Thu Jan 18 2007 - 09:48:23 CST