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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: PRO*C compile with librarires
Scott wrote:
> Hello All,
> I know next to nothing about pro*c so hopefully someone can point me in the
> right direction, I am not even sure what to search for so I will try and
> explain it in my own words.
> A pro*c application was compiled such that it uses oracle libraries found
> under a given path. Now when they move that app binary to another server
> with an oracle client install it does not run because the oracle client is
> installed in a differnet location. Does that mean that the proc app was
> compiled statically such that the libs are hard coded into the binary? How
> do you get around this sort of thing short of having all installation use
> the same path. I was hoping that it would use some type of relative path
> assuming I had my ORACLE_HOME var set, but apparently not. I am using HPUX
> 11.11 with oracle
> Thanks
> Scott
Are you working with your pro c developers on this one?
Do a file command and a chatr on the executable and send us the output.
What does the shell script that you used to compile and link the executable look like?
You should be able to relink the executable or re-compile it. What standards are in place in your organization for setting up the environment for pro c usage? Received on Thu Jan 11 2007 - 07:25:46 CST