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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Memory Usage in Oracle wrote:
> Dedicated server and we have about 400 connections to the database.
> Valentin Minzatu wrote:
> > Are you talking about the Oracle's installation document as
> > recommendation?
> >
> > What is the number of connections made to your database? Are you using
> > dedicated server or MTS?
That's a lot of connections. I'd pool on the app side. Stay away from MTS if possible. Can have Queue issues for long running queries. If you've set sga limits, they won't increase. Cursors can use ad-hoc memory. PGA uses memory but releases when done. Try reading this: Oracle Database 10g Automated SGA Memory Tuning
Doc ID: Note:257643.1
Are you having a performance issue? You are not swapping. Is the system slow. Are end users complaining? If not, start reading so that when they do, you'll be ready. Received on Fri Jan 12 2007 - 13:46:04 CST