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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Retrieve data from two databases wrote:
> Here's the query i used ..
> select x.dbo.table.field,y.dbo.table.field from x.dbo.table inner join
> y.dbo.table where x.dbo.table.field2=43 and y.dbo.table.field2=43;
No, it isn't, as that isn't valid syntax for an INNER JOIN, even on SQL Server. And why do you insist upon using the Sybase/SQL Server db.owner.table.field naming convention in Oracle? Database has a far different meaning in Oracle.
Post the REAL query, and the REAL error message, if you expect REAL help. Also, post the Oracle version you're using, as that has as much importance as the actual query.
David Fitzjarrell Received on Fri Jan 19 2007 - 11:19:42 CST