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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Oracle Unit Testing
On Jan 31, 10:57 am, "WebCom Systems" <>
> You guys are obviously not familiar with scalable J2EE applications.
Did you look at the original post in this thread?
Did you look at the url that it referenced?
Several of the people responding in the thread have vast amounts of experience that includes several different object oriented methodologies. "Obviously not familiar" ... how many consulting companies did you work for before/during/after the dot com crash?
> The point of using objects is that you can pass a completely
> structured object containing the data to the Java layer of the
> application.
> Objects can not only be data structured and also contain other
> objects.
> In terms of maintenance, a highly modular multi-tiered approach of far
> better for maintenance than a flatter 2-teir traditional architecture.
> The point of multi-tiered applications is that every bit of code is in
> its correct place, DML in the table encapsulation layer, objects in
> the object layer, business logic in the java layer, and so on...
And when you start passing large numbers of rows between the database and the front side application ... no problems whatsoever no sirree bob!
And those objects that span multiple tables in the database ... nothing bad can happen there at least.
Business logic in the java layer? No problems at all with designs like that ever!
> any flamers?
Why don't you go back to the original thread and start from the beginning. Received on Wed Jan 31 2007 - 15:25:09 CST