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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Unable to start 2nd db listener wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have installed 2 databases (9i & 10g) & configured 9i & 10g listeners
> on a 2 node Veritas clusters which are installed Sol 10. The 10g
> listener starts up & shutdowns w/o any problem, however, I'm unable to
> startup the 9i listener. I have already tried to replace a virtual
> name to a virtual ip, but it still doesn't work correctly. Does anyone
> know what else do I need to configure in order to get an 9i listener to
> work? Also as you notice, it keeps pointing over to my oracle 10g & I
> don't understand why? Any helps/suggestions are appreciated.
It sounds like you might have an enviroment variable set to your 10g
instance when ywhen you are trying startup your listener. Make sure
that your .profile, or .bash_profile, or whatever shell you are using
is setup for the correct version of the database, including your
Did you install this software under the same userid (e.g.: oracle) or did you create two seperate id's to run your Oracle? Received on Tue Jan 23 2007 - 14:27:44 CST