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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Seeking Equivalent of InterBase Domain
> > First off... being new to this newsgroup, I find it refreshing to find
> > it so active with people smarter than myself :)
> >
> > Daniel, you have reiterated several times the statement "What is it you
> > can not do in Oracle". Further, you mention constraints can built on
> > data types, yet others state this as not being possible.
> I provided sample code and a link to the Oracle documentation. The
> demo clearly shows a check constraint being built. If you have an
> issue with the Oracle documentation state it clearly.
I've been looking through that. I can see the documentation listing several methods that accomplish things as comparing the type to another instance of the type. Very useful.
What I cannot find in the documentation, is that if you have a type with a single attribute (cause this is what you said could perhaps accomplish the same as an InterBase DOMAIN), AND always apply a check to values in columns based on that type.
If you can, then please show an example.
> > So, can you at least humor me, and submit such an animal.
> Which part of the samples and link are not animal?
See above.
-- Martijn Tonies Database Workbench - tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL, NexusDB, Oracle & MS SQL Server Upscene Productions My thoughts: Database development questions? Check the forum! http://www.databasedevelopmentforum.comReceived on Tue Jan 23 2007 - 04:38:15 CST