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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Newbie help with simple script
I only have a copy of oracle 10 and that has the SPOOL c:\myfile.txt APP
command which lets me output text to a file as I run a script.
But I want to do the same in lower versions maybe 9 and 8 which dont have
the APP command I believe.
So I am running the script below to produce seperate files. Is there a way
to do something like this and output to a single file, which will work on
any version of Oracle?
Thanks for your help.
set termout on;
PROMPT **1 Version v$version
set termout off;
set linesize 4400
spool C:\OScan1.fil
select * from v$version;
spool off
set termout on;
PROMPT **2 Parameters v$parameter
set termout off;
set linesize 1645
spool C:\OScan2.fil
select name,value,description from v$parameter order by name;
spool off
set termout on
PROMPT **3 Users sys.dba_users
set termout off
set linesize 4400
spool C:\OScan3.fil
column user_id justify left;
select * from sys.dba_users;
spool off
Received on Sun Jan 28 2007 - 12:36:39 CST