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On Jan 2, 11:17 am, wrote:
> Hello
> What I have to doe is create for a large set of control en datafile 1
> shellscripts which starts te actual load.
> My problem is :
> I use variables and check which control files and datafiles are
> present. That goes well.
> But what I want is seperate logfiles for each control file so I
> specified a variable for this to take over then name of the
> controlfile, but what happens is that only the log file of the last
> control file is beinig processed.
> here some code:
> for LOG_FL in `ls ${DATADIR}/ctl/*.CTL | sed
> 's/\.[^.]*$//'>${DATADIR}/ctl/filelist.txt |cat
> ${DATADIR}/ctl/filelist.txt`
> do
> export LOG_FL
> done
> for file in `ls ${DATADIR}/ctl/*.CTL|sort -rn -k 5,5 | awk '{print
> $NF}'`
> do
> sqlldr $SCHEMA/$SCHEMAPWD control=$file log=$LOG_FL
> What am I doing wrong here?
> regards
> Michel
Shouldn't the latter FOR not be included in the former FOR
for LOG_FL in `ls ${DATADIR}/ctl/*.CTL | sed
's/\.[^.]*$//'>${DATADIR}/ctl/filelist.txt |cat
export LOG_FL
for file in `ls ${DATADIR}/ctl/*.CTL|sort -rn -k 5,5 | awk '{print
sqlldr $SCHEMA/$SCHEMAPWD control=$file log=$LOG_FL
-- Sybrand Bakker Senior Oracle DBAReceived on Tue Jan 02 2007 - 04:45:20 CST