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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: switching to 'direct path read' should help prevent thrashing buffer cache ?
Valentin Minzatu wrote:
> I am not sure if this is feasible in your case: have you considered
> moving the specific columns to a separate table and truncating it
> instead of updating? Alternatively, have you considered partitioning
> the table such way that you can truncate one partition at a time?
> Valentin
We are considering moving these types of columns to another table.
I'm not sure about partitioning. During the "SELECTION" process, it
probably cause too much overhead to visit any number of partitions to
satisfy some WHERE clause because a customer can query these tables
using any combination of columns in the predicate.
Received on Wed Jan 03 2007 - 10:30:42 CST