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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> more 8.1: defrag the drive
The drive where the 8.1 Oracle database files reside is about 70% full,
about 5GB drive. The disk analysis shows that there is over 40k
fragments on the drive. One of the tables is about 2Gb. Coworker has
a good suggestion that may reduce down time, it sounds good. I'm
looking for whether or not it's fraught with potential problems.
let me know what you think
1st - shut down app and stop Oracle 2nd - copy two largest files(combined about 3Gb) to another drive. 3rd - (on Windows 2000 server) defrag drive using windows defrag 4th - copy two files back to drive
So, there should not be any problems with the database.
Thanks Received on Thu Jan 25 2007 - 02:27:22 CST